Did you know:
- The Catskill Choral Society is a section 501(c)(3) charitable organization as defined by the IRS.
- Your donations to CCS are utilized to its fullest extent under IRS and NYS regulations.
- Our members pay dues of $50 each semester to support our concerts.
- Like most performance organizations, ticket sales contribute only a fraction of the funds needed to sustain the organization.
- A concert cycle with small orchestra can cost upwards to $20,000.
 Fall 2023 program cover
We are asking you to support CCS as we continue to strive in bringing high quality choral music to our communities. At each of our four performances, those attending will receive a quality program booklet containing the program, information about the works performed, and background about the performers. We also include information about our supporters and advertisers. You can make your presence known to our audience and, at the same time, support our musical contributions to our community. Please consider supporting the Catskill Choral Society by becoming a sponsor. Be a part of our growing family!
Maestro – $2000 |
- Full page ad in both Winter and Spring Concert program booklets
- Advertising on all promotional materials, website, press releases and media sites
- Four complementary tickets to both the winter and spring concerts
Conductor – $1500 |
- Half page ad in both Winter and Spring Concert program booklets
- Advertising on all promotional materials, website, press releases and media sites
- Four complementary tickets to both the winter and spring concerts
Lead Soloist – $1000 |
- Half page ad in both Winter and Spring Concert program booklets
- Advertising on all promotional materials, website, press releases
- Two complementary tickets to both the winter and spring concerts
Mezzo Soprano – $500 |
- Quarter page ad in both Winter and Spring Concert program booklets
- Two complementary tickets to both the winter and spring concerts
Chorus – $250 |
- Quarter page ad in either Winter or Spring Concert program booklet
Melody – $150 |
- Business card ad in both Winter and Spring Concert program booklets
Harmony – $100 |
- Business card ad in Winter or Spring Concert program booklet
Patron – $50 |
- Listed in Winter or Spring Concert program booklet
Nuts and bolts
Submission |
Deadline |
Ad Copy Winter |
11/17/2022 |
Ad Copy Spring |
4/12/2022 |