About The Dox Apprenticeship Program
Did you know…

The Dox program was named for Long-time Choral Society director, Thurston J. Dox in recognition of his impact on the organization and his abiding interest in musical education. A graduate of the Westminster Choir College (now Rider university), he served as professor of music at Hartwick College and directed the choral program there. His choirs performed across the country both in person and on radio until his death in 1994.
Both the Dox Apprenticeship program and the Children’s and Youth Choirs were a long time interest of William (Bill) Lange from Cherry Valley who sang with and served the Catskill Choral Society in a number of capacities.

He felt that there were a number of children and youths in the area who would enjoy the experience of singing and performing in a non-school setting with others who shared their interest.
Dox scholars singing with us during the 2017-18 season
with Dr. Rob Kolb, Artistic Director
This program for high school students was established in fall 1993,in honor of the Catskill Choral Society’s former music director, Thurston Dox. The Apprenticeship Program is dedicated to carrying on his life-long commitment to enrich the musical experiences of young people. Over 130 students have participated in this program since its inception. The program has included students from the school districts of Andes, Bainbridge/Guilford, Cherry Valley/Springfield, Cobleskill,Cooperstown, Delhi, Franklin, Gilbertsville/Mt. Upton, Jefferson, Laurens, Milford, Morris, Norwich, Oneonta, Sidney, South Kortright, Unatego, Walton and Worcester.
- Who should apply? Singers who are sophomores, juniors or seniors are eligible for consideration. We seek applicants who have solid musical skills, a commitment to choral performance, and a strong level of maturity and responsibility. Applicants must be able to commit to our weekly rehearsal schedule and private voice lessons and be available for all dress rehearsals and performances, as noted in “the details” noted below.
- What does the program offer? The program provides the opportunity for apprentices to perform with an accomplished adult chorus, and to receive private voice lessons with a professional voice teacher to develop their vocal technique and to support them with preparing for the concert. Students receive two complimentary tickets to the concert, and an invitation to continue singing with the Choral Society, without dues, for an additional semester following their participation as an apprentice. A certificate of completion is awarded to students who have successfully completed the program which can be added to their resume for college applications, etc.
- Read what former Dox Apprentices have to say…
Next Steps: The Dox Apprenticeship program is open to students entering the 10th, 11th, or 12th grade.
You may download an application , or use the contact information below to get more information.
Email: dox@catskillchoalsociety.com