Did you know:
- The Grand and Glorious Garage sale began in the fall of 1979 and became the Choral Society’s biggest fund-raising event?
- Main Street’s sidewalks from Division Street to Chestnut Street were marked off in 20 foot sections?
- The event hosted over 100 vendors, mostly folks who had “stuff” to get rid of?
- That in 2017, concerns about terrorism led the city to block both ends of Main street with heavy vehicles?
- That the last G&G was held in 2019 before Covid made its appearance?

for the lates CCS news, visit

The Third Annual Grand and Glorious Fall Fair will Take place on Sunday, September 8th, 2024, and we’re taking applications for vendors to join in on the fun.
We are providing booth spaces with 20 foot frontage under the trees and along the walkways , with the availability of electricity for many of the spaces. In addition, we have spaces for food purveyors and trucks who adhere to all NYS Health Department Rules & Regulations regarding Sale of Food, Beverages and Animal products*.
To apply for a space at the Fair, please fill out and submit the Vendor Application form here, and make your payment through the PayPal link to the right.
- 1 Vendor site or 1 Food Vendor Table site $45 +$1.41 PayPal fee
- 2 Vendor sites or 2 Food Vendor Table/Cart sites $90 +$2.33 PayPal fee
- 1 Food Truck/Trailer site $95 + 2.43 PayPal fee
*NOTE: It is the Sole Responsibility of the Seller (Vendor) and Not the Organizer (CCS) to obtain the proper documentation. Please contact NYSDOH either online or by phone to obtain, if needed, a REGISTRATION TO OPERATE A TEMPORARY FOOD SERVICE PERMIT.
Time line for the 2024 Fall Fair
Date |
Activity |
8/23/24 |
reservations and
payments due |
8 am-10 am |
Vendor Setup |
10 am |
Fair opens |
3 pm |
Fair closes |
3 pm-4:30 pm |
Vendor breakdown and clean-up |