Thanks To All For a Successful Fair

Special thanks to…

The Performers

The Service providers

Happy Vendors

Our move of our Grand and Glorious event to Neahwa Park was a success! In spite of occasional sprinkles, people joined the seventy-plus vendors to enjoy food, entertainment and browsing during the day.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Catskill-Momos-662x1024.jpgThanks to the GGFF committee members and volunteers for making the vision of an event in the park a reality.
Special thanks to Sheila Ayres, David Hayes, and Cynthia Magee for handling the many details.

Catskill Community Concert Band

Catskill Momos, from Delhi

Upcoming events



December 2 @ 7 pm

Performance of Christmas with Brass
First United Methodist Church

December 3@ 3 pm

Performance of Christmas with Brass
First United Methodist Church